AWS Certification FAQ
Frequently asked questions about getting AWS Certified and AWS Certification
AWS Certification helps learners build credibility and confidence by validating their cloud expertise with an industry-recognized credential and helps organizations identify skilled professionals to lead cloud initiatives using AWS
Moreover, Starting January 1, 2023, all AWS Certification exams will be delivered through Pearson VUE. The last day for candidates to complete an exam appointment through PSI is December 31, 2022 at 11:59 pm UTC. Learn more about the changes to AWS Certification Test Delivery Providers, PSI and Pearson VUE.

Which AWS certification exams are available with online proctoring?
First of all, to verify an AWS Certification, ask the earner for an AWS Certification digital badge link. Via Credly’s Acclaim platform, we provide digital badges to everyone who earns an AWS Certification to support recognition and verification.
Furthermore, each AWS Certification digital badge has an option to verify it, which checks and displays the issue date as well as the issuer (AWS Training and Certification). Links to AWS Certification digital badges are unique for each AWS Certified individual. Digital badges may also be linked from social media profiles or on personal websites
What is changing for AWS Certifications.
What is changing for AWS Certification?
For example, Starting January 1, 2023, all AWS Certification exams will be delivered through Pearson VUE. Pearson VUE has been delivering AWS Certification exams since 2019 through their worldwide network of more than 5,000 test centers and their online proctoring services..
In addition, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become a leader in cloud computing. One of its core components is S3, the object storage service offered by AWS. With its impressive availability and durability, it has become the standard way to store videos, images, and data. You can combine S3 with other services to build infinitely scalable applications.
Can I take my exam with PSI?
First of all, you can take your exam through PSI until December 31, 2022, 11:59 PM UTC. Starting January 1, 2023, Pearson VUE will be the sole exam delivery provider for AWS Certification exams.
For instance, see below.

Basically, digital transformation promises substantial rewards, with leading companies achieving critical business advantages such as higher productivity, faster time to market, and a stronger bottom line.
In addition, reaching these rewards can prove challenging, however. Digital transformation represents a massive undertaking involving far-reaching changes to technology, processes, and culture. Breaking the process down into distinct phases can help prevent organizations from losing their way.
Is there any change to exam pricing?
Thus, No. Customer pricing is set by AWS and will remain the same at Pearson VUE. More information on exam pricing.
Therefore, Training is recommended as part of your certification preparation, but it is not mandatory for the completion of the certification. Go to AWS Skill Builder to find a learning plan that’s right for you.

Does Pearson VUE have a test center near me?
Above all, Pearson VUE currently has more than 5,000 Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers in more than 165 countries. You can find a Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center near you by visiting and select Find a Test Center.
Furthermore, Learn about each AWS Certification exam here. To learn more about the benefits of AWS Certification, go here.
Hence, To register for an exam, sign in to and click Certification in the top navigation. Next, click the AWS Certification Account button, followed by Schedule New Exam. Find the exam you wish to take and click either the Schedule at PSI or Schedule at Pearson VUE button. You will then be redirected to the test delivery provider’s scheduling page, where you will complete your exam registration.
What is exam retake policy?
Firstly, If you fail an exam, you must wait 14 days before you are eligible to retake the exam. There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Secondly, once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years. If the exam has been updated with a new exam guide and exam series code, you will be eligible to take the new exam version.
Second, Most AWS Certification exams do not display your pass/fail result at the end of the test. Hence, your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History. If you pass your exam, you may receive your Credly digital badge email notification before your exam results are posted to your AWS Certification Account. Credly is our approved digital badge provider.

When will I get my exam results?
Therefore, your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History. Beta exam results are typically available 90 days (13 weeks) or less from the close of the beta exam. You will be notified via email once your exam results are available in your AWS Certification Account.
You can cancel or reschedule your exam up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment without additional fees. To reschedule or cancel your exam, go to your AWS Certification Account and click the Manage PSI Exams or Manage Pearson VUE exams button. If you scheduled with PSI, click the “View Details” button on the scheduled exam you wish to manage.
Therefore, if you scheduled with Pearson VUE, you can select the scheduled exam you wish to manage from the Upcoming Appointments menu. Once you reach the 24-hour window before your scheduled appointment, you will not be able to cancel or reschedule your exam. If you miss your scheduled exam appointment, you will forfeit the exam fee and are not eligible for a refund.
Furthermore, you will not be able to register again for the exam until 24 hours after your missed exam time. Missing the exam does not result in a “fail” status
How can I verify my certification?
After all, to verify an AWS Certification, ask the earner for an AWS Certification digital badge link. Via Credly’s Acclaim platform, we provide digital badges to everyone who earns an AWS Certification to support recognition and verification.
In addition, each AWS Certification digital badge has an option to verify it, which checks and displays the issue date as well as the issuer (AWS Training and Certification). Links to AWS Certification digital badges are unique for each AWS Certified individual. Digital badges may also be linked from social media profiles or on personal websites
Thus, you have learned AWS FAQs on certification.