How to pass the NEW AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam associate level. The new AWS exam will be available in August. AWS Certified Solutions Architect is the most sought-after certification today. It is growing exponentially, and everyone want to become AWS Certified Solutions Architect.
AWS have just announced an update to what can be considered their most popular certification, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certification.
HOW TO PASS THE NEW AWS CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT EXAM. The current AWS SAA-C02 certification was released in March, 2020 so it’s been generally available for almost two years already. Thus, it’s not that surprising that it is being updated. Furthermore, the rate of change and innovation with AWS in two years is huge. Therefore, by updating their certification to include the latest services, features and best practices ensures that the certification continues to prove it’s worth to both businesses and individuals.
So, I understand that you may have several questions regarding the two exam formats such as:
Can I still take the current SAA-C02 exam as I’m currently studying for it?
I recently passed my SAA-C02, will it still be effective or will I have to take the new exam?
When does the new exam come into effect? What are the changes?
Where can I learn the new materials for this exam?
Where can I find more information on this exam?
GET A SNEAK PEEK of How to pass the NEW AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam
Can I still take the current SAA-C02 exam as I’m currently studying for it?
The very quick answer is yes, certainly! In fact, I certainly recommend that if you have already started studying for the AWS SAA-C02 exam then you continue to do so. Thus, you have plenty of time to finish your studies as the last date to take the SAA-C02 exam is August 29th, 2022..
I recently passed my SAA-C02, will it still be effective or will I have to take the new exam?
This is always a concern when AWS announces an updated certification. For example, it is likely you just spent months studying for an exam, only to find out that AWS are updating it in the not too distant future. After all, not to worry as there is always good news. Hence, you do NOT have to resist the updated certification to keep your credentials. Therefore, you will still have 3 years.
When does the new exam come into effect?
The new exam is AWS SAA-C03 which will be available to take from the 30th August 2022. However, the registration to be able to book your exam opens on July 26th 2022, so if you want to be one of the first then you can book it from this date!
What are the changes?
Domain | % of Exam |
Domain 1: Design Secure Architectures | 30% |
Domain 2: Design Resilient Architectures | 26% |
Domain 3: Design High-Performing Architectures | 24% |
Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures | 20% |
Total | 100% |
Domain | % of Exam |
Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures | 30% |
Domain 2: Design High-Performing Architectures | 28% |
Domain 3: Design Secure Applications and Architectures | 24% |
Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures | 18% |
Total | 100% |
You will notice that 3 of the 4 domains are still named exactly the same, however their percentages have changed in the new exam guide:
First, Design Resilient Architectures – Percentage dropped from 30% to 26%
Second, Design High-performing architectures – Percentage dropped from 28% to 24%
Third, Design Cost-Optimized Architectures – Percentage increased from 18% to 20%
One domain has changed slightly in its name, in SAA-C02 it’s called Design Secure Applications and Architectures, in SAA-C03 it is labeled as Design Secure Architectures and the the percentage has increased from 24% to 30%
Based on these comparisons alone we can see that there is now more of an emphasis on cost management and security as the percentages in these areas has increased by 8% between the two.
The new exam guide for SAA-C03 contains a lot more information as to what is in scope and out of scope compared to that of the SAA-C02. It also has detailed information showing you what knowledge you should have for each domain, in addition to the skills necessary to meet the requirements of the domain.
Where can I learn the new materials for this exam?
HOW TO PASS THE NEW AWS CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT EXAM. For example, here at ClayDesk we are already working on new content to support you in your preparation for this new exam. In addition, we are constantly building a completely new and comprehensive learning path to support all the assessment points highlighted in the exam guide. Furthermore, to ensure that you have all the knowledge required to sit and pass the exam with confidence.
Where can I find more information on this exam?
To find the latest information relating to this exam you can visit the AWS certification coming soon URL here. From here you can get the latest SAA-C03 Exam guide and take a look at some sample questions
Above all, One of the highest-paying skillsets available in the United States, AWS knowledge is your ticket to a rewarding cloud computing career. We’ve divided our AWS certification into multiple levels, outfitting you with a comprehensive AWS skillset at a comfortable educational pace. The following AWS certifications are highly recommended:

Thus, AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2022 – SAA-C02 Welcome! – Want to pass the *NEW* SAA-C03 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam? Look no further. I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam. Therefore, this relates to Cloud Architect.
Therefore, AWS Certified Solutions Architect play a crucial role in an organization.
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